§ 1502 Definitions

§ 1502. Definitions

    For the purposes of this chapter, the term--

    (1) “debtor” means an entity that is the subject of a foreign proceeding;

    (2) “establishment” means any place of operations where the debtor carries out a nontransitory economic activity;

    (3) “foreign court” means a judicial or other authority competent to control or supervise a foreign proceeding;

    (4) “foreign main proceeding” means a foreign proceeding pending in the country where the debtor has the center of its main interests;

    (5) “foreign nonmain proceeding” means a foreign proceeding, other than a foreign main proceeding, pending in a country where the debtor has an establishment;

    (6) “trustee” includes a trustee, a debtor in possession in a case under any chapter of this title, or a debtor under chapter 9 of this title;

    (7) “recognition” means the entry of an order granting recognition of a foreign main proceeding or foreign nonmain proceeding under this chapter; and

    (8) “within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States”, when used with reference to property of a debtor, refers to tangible property located within the territory of the United States and intangible property deemed under applicable nonbankruptcy law to be located within that territory, including any property subject to attachment or garnishment that may properly be seized or garnished by an action in a Federal or State court in the United States.